From the Edge to the Centre – New Frontiers in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research
WOCMAP 2014 Brisbane (IHC Brisbane 2014)
Dates: 17 al 22 d’agost 2014
Lloc: Brisbane (Austràlia).
Contacte: Congress Secretariat ICMS Australasia PO Box 3599 Brisbane Qld 4101 Tel. +61 (0) 7 3255 1002 Fax +61 (0) 7 3255 1004, E-mail: – E- mail:
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – The Interchange Between Local, Rural Knowledge and Their Global Applications (Joint with IHC)
- Developing Role of Public Health Research in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- Agriculture and Wild-crafting – Challenges and Opportunities (Joint with IHC)
- Aromatic Plants, Essential Oils and Health – Future Prospects (Joint with IHC)
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – New Analytical and Pharmacological Approaches
- Quality, Safety and Efficacy of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- The Pharmacology of Food – Status Quo (Joint day with FAVHealth 2014)
- Biodiversity and Global Ecological Change
- Infectious and Emerging Diseases Affecting Humans and Animals
Joint Sessions with the 29th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014)
- 3rd International Jujube Symposium (Organised by IHC)
- Plants, as Factories of Natural Substances, Edible & Essential Oils (Organised by IHC)
International Symposium on Plants, as Factories of Natural Substances, Edible & Essential Oils.
Dates: 17 al 22 d’agost 2014
Lloc: Brisbane (Australia)
Contacte: Prof. Dr. Ákos Máthé, Borbély Street 5, 1132 Budapest, Hongria. Tel.: (36)13204007, Fax: (36)13204007, E-mail:
Dr. Vera Sergeeva, 15/2 Hilts road, Strathfield NSW,2135, Australia. E-mail: