CONGRESSOS: trobada internacional de la recerca aromàtico-medicinal a Austràlia

From the Edge to the Centre – New Frontiers in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research

WOCMAP 2014 Brisbane (IHC Brisbane 2014)

Dates: 17 al 22 d’agost 2014

Lloc: Brisbane (Austràlia).

Contacte: Congress Secretariat ICMS Australasia PO Box 3599 Brisbane Qld 4101 Tel. +61 (0) 7 3255 1002 Fax +61 (0) 7 3255 1004,  E-mail: – E- mail:


  1. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – The Interchange Between Local, Rural Knowledge and Their Global Applications (Joint with IHC)
  2. Developing Role of Public Health Research in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  3. Agriculture and Wild-crafting – Challenges and Opportunities (Joint with IHC)
  4. Aromatic Plants, Essential Oils and Health – Future Prospects (Joint with IHC)
  5. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – New Analytical and Pharmacological Approaches
  6. Quality, Safety and Efficacy of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  7. The Pharmacology of Food – Status Quo (Joint day with FAVHealth 2014)
  8. Biodiversity and Global Ecological Change
  9. Infectious and Emerging Diseases Affecting Humans and Animals

Joint Sessions with the 29th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014)

International Symposium on Plants, as Factories of Natural Substances, Edible & Essential Oils.

Dates: 17 al 22 d’agost 2014

Lloc: Brisbane (Australia)

Contacte: Prof. Dr. Ákos Máthé, Borbély Street 5, 1132 Budapest, Hongria. Tel.: (36)13204007, Fax: (36)13204007, E-mail:

Dr. Vera Sergeeva, 15/2 Hilts road, Strathfield NSW,2135, Australia. E-mail:

Més informació




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